An eventful hospital birth in Texas
An eventful hospital birth in Texas

I was full term when I went into the ER for a check up and to ease my mind. They kept me overnight to see a fetal monitoring specialist the next morning. So, I got an extensive ultrasound exam. Since I was full term, the specialist said I could be induced and have my baby today.
To the labor and delivery ward I went. They inserted the foley balloon at 12.30 pm, removed it and started Pitocin at 4.30pm. Afterwards, they broke my water at 8.05 pm.
During labor, I was able to freely move around the room and the floor. I ate, had snacks, and drank; whatever I wanted. My nurse just so happened to be a doula as well. We did several positions to get my cervix to open up and to get my daughter to drop down the birth canal. I was given a birthing ball to bounce on and a birthing bar to lean over and hold. I had full access to the bathroom and shower for hydrotherapy. That freedom made my labor so beautiful.
"I had a great labor and an eventful delivery...''
I had a great labor and an eventful delivery. I gave birth standing next to the bed at 8.27 pm. My daughter hit the ground and her cord snapped in half! The nurse scooped her up and about 15 nurses and doctors swarmed the room at that point. She was fine!
Once delivered, she was away from me (in the corner of the room) for about 6 minutes then was brought back to me skin to skin. She never left my sight after that, we were released around noon 3 days later.
No eye goop, no vitamin k, no vaccines, exclusively breastfed, regular pees and poops, lots of skin-to-skin, and so much love.