A mother daughter freebirth in North Carolina
A mother daughter freebirth in North Carolina
I was having false contractions because they were so inconsistent. I wanted to sleep so I took Benadryl to help dissipate contractions. I was able to sleep from 9pm to 1am. At 1 am I woke up to tons of pressure in my uterus and thought: "This isn't so bad, I'm going back to sleep". I thought I was still having false contractions. I was very much wrong. I stayed laying down until 2.45 am when the contractions were getting more intense. I got in my pool by 3:30 am.
"As contractions got stronger, my daughter kept encouraging me to relax...''
By 4am, I am laboring consistently in the pool and contractions are definitely intensifying. My 15 year old daughter, awoke and made sure I had all of my essentials oil going in my diffuser as well as my relaxation music. She provided me with fruit and water between each contraction. She laughed and made me laugh; that was the best part! As contractions got stronger, my daughter kept encouraging me to relax and remember each contraction meant we were closer to baby.
At 6:46 am my water finally broke! At that point I knew at any moment contractions were going to speed up. I literally went from 8cm to 10cm in a matter of minutes. I felt my baby girl crowing right at 10cm a slight burn and in one push she was earth side at 6:58am.
I felt so empowered! We sat in the pool for 10 minutes until the placenta was born. We had a lotus birth so everything after that was rest!