
A peaceful freebirth in Georgia

years old at the time


A peaceful freebirth in Georgia

years old at the time

This was my second free birth with my sixth child. I chose to birth unassisted due to past trauma in the medical system. I felt safe and protected birthing my babies at home.

I was measuring about 37-38 weeks when I woke up at 3:30 am with steady contractions that I was unable to sleep through. I decided to take a warm bath in the hope that my contractions would stop. I hesitantly nursed my youngest who just turned 14 months old. He had been cluster feeding for the past few days and aversion was hitting me hard. Once he was content, I ran a bath and tried to relax between contractions as much as possible.

It felt like my contractions were letting up but little did I know, I was in my resting period before transition hit. Starting to feel dehydrated, I went downstairs to get water and fruit. By the time I got back upstairs and in the tub the contractions were becoming consistent again.

"I told my husband : Baby is coming now!"

I started to clench my toes and sway with each wave that was bringing my baby to me. It finally dawned on me that this was real labor. No amount of relaxation, Epsom salt and warm water were going to stop the baby from coming. I got out of the bath to wake my husband so he could prepare my birth space. I was planning on a water birth but my pool didn't come in yet so I decided to build a nest next to our bed like we had with our last unassisted birth. Once my husband got out of the bed, I was no longer able to control the urge to push. I told my husband "Baby is coming now!"

Since we didn't have a space prepared, we went back to the bathtub. My husband by my side for support, fetal ejection took over. On all fours, my body pushed through two contractions and the baby's head was out along with my water breaking. There was an immediate relief of pressure.

"On all fours, my body pushed through two contractions and baby's head was out"

I lifted up into a squatting position while still resting on my knees, one more surge and the baby was born at 5:19 am.

I reached around and brought the baby to my chest. We had forgotten all prenatal gender tests and spiritually trusted in my body, baby and ancestors to guide me.

Baby went to immediately crying and silently observing. My husband stated it was a girl! We moved to the bed and the baby girl latched for her first feeding. I continued to have contractions from the placenta working to detach. My labor was so fast I needed to rest so my husband got my tincture, food and water. Once I felt rested about an hour later, I got on the floor and squatted to birth the placenta.

I dreamt that her name would start with an "A". My oldest started ''Amaya'', so I asked the baby girl if she liked the name which means "night rain". That night it rained so Amaya it was. This was a very free, healing and relaxed pregnancy and birth. Being able to spiritually connect with my baby, no fear, worry or judgment. I was very educated and confident in my decision. I hope that all mothers can feel this empowered in using their voice, that roar, to speak and protect our bodies and babies. The motherly intuition that is a part of our being will never forsake us. Listen to that voice.